Custom cable assemblies offer many benefits over off-the-shelf products…including cost.

It’s possible there’s a standard cable that matches the needs of your equipment perfectly. However, it’s much more likely that you will have to make do with something that is almost right, which can lead to technical issues that can cause bigger problems down the road. This is especially true when your project’s requirements are specialized or complicated. While an off-the-shelf cable might seem like a quick and cheap option, custom cable assemblies have many advantages…and cost is one of them.

Cost Saving

Your first impression may be that custom cable assemblies are automatically more expensive than standard cables. This is not always the case. While a custom solution might be more expensive up front, better performance and longevity can save money because you don’t need to replace the assembly as often.

Time Saving

At first glance, you might think it’s faster to pick a cable up off the shelf and simply connect it to your equipment. Unfortunately, it’s usually not that easy. In many cases, it’s a struggle to make off-the-shelf cables work for any but the most simple applications. Trying to retrofit standard cables takes time and money that could have been saved by working with a manufacturer to create a custom cable assembly.

Better Performance

This one seems obvious, but custom cable assemblies are designed to work with your equipment and environment in mind. This means that they can not only take all of your requirements into account, but also be extensively tested with those requirements in mind to ensure a successful finished product. Because of this, you get a cable assembly that will function and last as expected.

Customized Appearance

custom cable assemblies

With an off-the-shelf cable, what you see is what you get. When producing custom cables, you are able to specify color, texture, and whether you need any type of labeling. This allows you to brand the cables or choose a color that makes it easier to identify. Color coding not only creates a more professional appearance, but also makes installation easier and repairs safer.


We’ve covered some great benefits that custom cable assemblies offer over standard cables, but the most significant is that you have a product that does what you want it to do. There are applications that are too specific or complex to be adequately served by an off-the-shelf cable, but with a custom product the options are nearly limitless.


There is certainly a time and place to use standard cables. However, there are also circumstances that call for a more custom option. With custom cable assemblies, you can be sure that your solution will meet the needs of your equipment and function how you expect. Working with a reputable, experienced cable manufacturer like Meridian Cable gives you even more peace of mind that you will get the performance you need. When you are ready to discuss your next custom cable project, don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to talking with you. 

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